Kiryoku Kyu Grading

Sensei Bell has announced there will be a kyu grading for selected karateka in June. All students who wish to grade are reminded of the importance of regular club training and practice at home. Dates and time will be confirmed closer to the time.

Training break for July Holidays

As the Robinson Centre will be closed over the July holiday weekend, there will be no training classes on the following dates:

Sat, 13-Jul
Sun, 14-Jul

Sensei Bell reminds all karateka who wish to grade in August of the importance of regular training and kata practice and encourages all students to keep it up at home over the break.

Training reminder


All students are reminded that there is no club training this weekend, as Sensei will be at the spring seminar. Also, the following Sunday will be the monthly Kata squad training session, and all federation karateka are welcome.

Spring training course

Newtownards, Bangor and Downpatrick Wado Ryu Karate clubs have announced they are delighted to host a special spring training seminar at the end of this month. The special guest instructor will be Sensei Eleni Suzuki (6th Dan), the wife of the late Japanese Master, Prof. T. Suzuki.

Sensei Eleni can lay claim to first class technical and teaching credentials having trained intensively with her husband for many years. Additionally, she has travelled to many countries, participating and assisting with hundreds of black belt seminars.

Training and grading sessions as follows:

Date: Sat, 27-Apr-2013
Time: 12:30 to 14:30
Venue: St. Patricks Hall, Newtownards
Training will be followed by a kyu grading session for all qualifying karateka.

Date: Sun, 28-Apr-2013
Time: 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Ballymote Leisure Centre, Downpatrick

As Sensei Bell will be attending both sessions, there will be no regular club training that weekend. All students are invited to attend these special training events.

Easter training schedule

The good news is that there will be training as usual on Saturday. Unfortunately, The Robinson Centre is closed Easter Sunday so there will be no class. Pls remember (while consuming huge amounts of chocolate) that Sensei Bell has indicated there is a grading session coming up soon and everyone is reminded of he importance of training at home, especially when regular classes are off. Happy Easter!

Easter training:
Sat, 30-Mar-2013: On
Sun, 31-Mar-2013: Off

Training on St. Patricks weekend

The Robinson Centre will not be open on Sunday, 17th March so there’ll be no be no Sunday training next weekend. Saturday’s class will take place as normal tho.

As there is currently a lot of renovation work going on, it’s not yet clear if classes the following weekend can take place yet. More info will be posted here as we get it.

UPDATE: The Robinson Centre is going to be open on Sunday after all, so the regular training class is back on. We’ve also been told that the building works should not affect next week too.