As Sensei Bell will be away for the next week, the following regular club training sessions have been cancelled:

Wed, 31-Aug-2011
Sat, 03-Sep-2011
Sun, 04-Sep-2011
Wed, 07-Sep-2011

Sensei confirmed the cancellations today, and apologised for the short notice. All students are reminded of the imminent grading session, and all those hoping to achieve their next grade, are advised to train as much as possible. All Kiryoku students will be made welcome at Sensei Bobby Hamilton’s club during the break:

Thursday, 20:00 to 22:00 at Ards Leisure Centre
Sunday, 14:00 to 15:30 at Bangor Leisure Centre

These sessions are charged at £4/junior and £5/adult.


As announced on the official WIKF site, there will be a two day training course with Kyu and Dan grading in September. The special guest will be Sensei Jon Wicks 8TH Dan, the WIKF chief instructor and the late Professor Tatsuo Suzuki’s principal student. This is an open event for all karateka, but anyone wishing to grade will need a valid WIKF passport.

VENUE: St Patrick’s Hall, Newtownards

DAY1: Saturday, 17-SEP-2011
12:00 to 13:30 – Private Dan grade class
14:00 to 15:15 – Black/Brown belt training
15-15 to 16:45 – All grades training

DAY2: Sunday, 18-SEP-2011
13:00 to 14:30 – All grades training
15:00 onwards – Dan and Kyu grading

Regular Kiryoku training classes for both dates will not be taking place.