Club Kyu grading has been confirmed for Sunday, 22nd June. The regular Sunday club training session will take place from 14:00 to 15:00 and will be immediately followed by kyu gradings taken by Sensei Bell. All students wishing to grade should bring their WIKF licenses and ensure they are up to date. New belts will be available to purchase for successful gradings if required.
Category Archives: Club Event
Kyu grading preparation
Club regulars will have noticed that recent training sessions have featured a lot more syllabus material drill for all karateka. Sensei Bell is planning to run a kyu grading session within the next few weeks and has suggested that any student hoping to attempt their next belt will need to continue to practice outside club and be familiar with theirĀ grading syllabus. Students are also reminded to check their WIKF license renewal dates.
Club Kyu grading session
Sensei Bell has announced that there will be a kyu grading session for selected karateka taking place next month. Students are reminded of the importance of regular training before attempting a grading.
Venue: Robinson Centre
Date: Saturday, 03-Mar
Training: 12:15 to 13:15
Grading: 13:15 to 14:00
Sensei Bell has announced there will be a Kyu grading session later this month for students looking to progress to their next belt. This grading is open to club members taking red, yellow and orange belts. Anyone wishing to attempt their next grade must attend the normal Sunday class and standard NI-WIKF grading fees will apply.
Venue: Robinson Centre
Date: Sunday, 27-Mar-2011
Training: 15:00 to 16:00
Grading: 16:00 to 16:30