2018 holiday break

Happy holidays to all club members. Regular classes will be off on these dates:

Sat, 29-Dec-2018
Sun, 30-Dec-2018

See y’all in the new year.

Update – due to illness, class on Sat, 05-Jan-2019 has been cancelled.

New Saturday training venue

Sensei Bell has now secured improved training facilities for Saturday’s regular club training. Classes will now be held in the Cregagh Comunity Centre (same venue as Sunday classes, but in the larger main hall). We’ve also been given use of large training mats which means we can expect to focus more on throws, take-downs and ground-work in the class. Due to availability, the class times will be moved to 14:30.

New training venues

Due to the recent and unexpected closure of the Robinson Centre, Sensei Bell has arranged new training venues for weekly classes until further notice:

Time: 11:00 to 12:00
Venue: Clonduff Centre (directly behind the Robinson Centre)

Time: 14:00 to 15:00
Venue: Cregagh Community Centre

Kyu Grading Success

Congratulations to all the Kiryoku Karateka who successfully passed their Kyu grading today:

1st Kyu (Brown 3)
Matthew B

3rd Kyu (Brown 1)
Carl S

5th Kyu (Blue)
Neville C

6th Kyu (Green)
Nathan C

6th Mon Kyu (Green)
Megan M

8th Kyu (Yellow)
Jack S
Logan M
Lleyton C

Summer WIKF leaders course

Taken by Sensei Jon Wickes (8th Dan), the WIKF leaders course is the definitive training course aimed at all club leaders and assistant instructors. This 2 day training event is only available to WIKF 1st Dan and above.

Sat, 28-Jun-2014, 13:00 to 17:30
Sun, 29-Jun-2014, 10:00 to 14:30

Lewis Sports & Leisure / Harris CTC College, London

As Sensei Bell will be attending this training event, there will be no regular kiryoku club training that weekend.

Kyu Grading confirmed

Club Kyu grading has been confirmed for Sunday, 22nd June. The regular Sunday club training session will take place from 14:00 to 15:00 and will be immediately followed by kyu gradings taken by Sensei Bell. All students wishing to grade should bring their WIKF licenses and ensure they are up to date. New belts will be available to purchase for successful gradings if required.