Welcome to Kiryoku Karate online. We are based in South Belfast, and members of the Northern Ireland Wado International Karate-Do Federation NIWIKF which is part of the WIKF – one of the largest wado ryu federations in the world. The club is open to anyone who wishes to learn traditional karate as it was taught by Ohtsuka Sensei, the founder of wado ryu and continued by Sensei Suzuki, his most senior student.
Colin Bell
Sensei Bell has been training karate since 1990 when he joined the karate club at the Robinson centre as a beginner. He became the club instructor in 2003 when he attained 2nd Dan. Sensei Bell attained 4th Dan in 2009 and has received all his Dan grades from Sensei Suzuki. He has competed in kumite and kata at national and international level, representing NIWIKF at european and world championships.
Jessica Morrow
Sensei Morrow currently holds 2nd Dan and has represented WIKF many times at European and World Championship level for Kata.