Congrats to the two eldest karateka at Kiryoku for successfully passing an unannounced grading for their next kyu:
2nd kyu (Brown)
Carl S
Nevil C
Congrats to the two eldest karateka at Kiryoku for successfully passing an unannounced grading for their next kyu:
2nd kyu (Brown)
Carl S
Nevil C
As announced on the WIKF site, this years summer course will take place at the end of July:
Fri, 28-Jul at 18:00 to 21:00
Sat, 29-Jul at 11:00 to 14:00
Sun, 30-Jul at 10:00 to 13:00
Stratford Upon Avon High School,
Dan Grading will take place on Sunday from 2pm. Students wishing to take their Dan Grade should attend the full course